Monday, December 11, 2006

Go CAS!!!


This year's cheering competition was an extravagant because the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), my college, won! the cheering competition was held on Dec. 5, 2006. During that time, i arrived at school at around 9 am, as I arrived at school, the CAS was already performing. I tried to watch but then i didn't make it because it was crowded. People were yelling specially the CAS students. As they performed, I felt so nervous because they might commit a mistake or somebody from the group might fall.

After the performance of the CAS, i kept on hearing some students saying that the CAS performed the best. After hearing those words, I felt that my college has the chance to win.

After the performance of all the college, everybody was excited to know who will win the cheering competition. As the host announced the winners, I always anticipated to hear my college every rank. fortunately, my college was the champion. Though I'm not a performer, I felt so happy. I guess I can't explain what i felt for that time.

When the CAS won, I thought that the CAS is not "kulelat". Everything has changed. Since then, the CAS keeps on winning. Like for example in the Debate, CAS was the champion. Choir competition durng the cultural, CAS got the 1st runner up and etc.

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